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Europe and China differ
Beom Sun Chungorcid, Min Suk Chungorcid
Science Editing 2019;6(1):85-87.
Published online: February 20, 2019

Department of Anatomy, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea

Correspondence to Min Suk Chung
• Received: August 23, 2018   • Accepted: December 11, 2018

Copyright © 2019 Korean Council of Science Editors

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Firenze in Italy is the home of the Renaissance. The roads and buildings of the old city were constructed during the Renaissance and they have not changed a bit. There is a picture of the whole old city from the Renaissance era, and surprisingly, it is completely the same as it is today. The roads are narrow and uncomfortable to walk on and are even more uncomfortable for people commuting by cars, since cars had not been invented during the Renaissance. However, there are still lots of tourists in Firenze. Tourists care about the peculiarity, not the convenience.
Once I had too much to drink at a meeting with an important person who had funded my research. After we sobered up, we felt quite awkward, and I regretted having done such a thing. It is okay to have a drink with someone important. However, do not drink too much. A is A, B is B.
Let’s say the reviewer of my journal paper had 30 comments. Then I not only have to revise it based on these 30 comments but also specify how these 30 comments are reflected in the revised paper. If I choose not to make changes, I have to explain my reasoning. As this is quite difficult for me, I often end up finishing right before the deadline. I say to myself that if I become an evaluator, I will make more lucid and simple request of revision to help author’s work to be presented more scientifically.
This is another example of a combination. Have you ever been to any of these countries: China, Japan, or America? One possibility is that you have not been to any of them. Another possibility is that you have been to only one country, two countries, or all three of them. There are a total of 8 cases which can be drawn from the equation 2×2×2=8. This is called the binominal distribution. Like this, you can think and talk with logic if you count the number of cases.
There are people who accomplish 5 out of 10 goals when originally hoping to achieve all 10. There are also people who want 3 and complete all of them. The former is better since they have a better result. The process is also better. The bigger your dream, is the harder you will try. Also, you will have more fun if you dream big. You need not be disappointed just because you could not fulfill all of them. Trying wouldn’t hurt.

Conflict of Interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the International Cooperative R&D program (grant no. N0002249).

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      Europe and China differ

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