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Influence of open access journals on the research community in Journal Citation Reports
Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
Sci Ed. 2021;8(1):32-38.   Published online February 20, 2021
  • 11,892 View
  • 167 Download
  • 6 Web of Science
  • 5 Crossref
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The number of open access (OA) journals is rapidly increasing, and it is very important for librarians to understand the influence of OA journals on the research community. This study investigated the influence of the OA journals listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) based on various indicators.
The data for this study were prepared by combining the JCR 2014 to 2019 journal list with the number of hybrid OA articles obtained by searching the Web of Science. Each journal’s JCR indicators and article processing charge were added. The influence of OA journals was compared according to OA type, whether they were published by large publishers, and whether they were top gold OA journals.
Gold OA journals remained weaker in terms of JCR indicators than hybrid journals. However, the top 20 gold OA journals, accounting for 27.0% of all OA articles in JCR 2014 to 2019, were superior in all JCR indicators. The top three OA publishers (MDPI, BioMed Central, and Public Library of Science) showed potential for development despite concerns regarding poor journals. The top three subscription publishers were very active in OA publishing, but their actual share of hybrid OA articles (Elsevier, 5.1%; Springer, 10.1%; and Wiley, 12.4% in JCR 2019) was still insufficient.
Some gold OA journals showed high competitiveness and even the possibility for development beyond traditional journals. The transition of subscription journals to hybrid journals was found to be at the early stage. In light of these findings, librarians should continue monitoring the influence of OA journals.


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  • A decade of changes in OA and non-OA journal publication and production
    Eungi Kim, Madhu Sudhan Atteraya
    Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.2024; 56(4): 978.     CrossRef
  • Publishing trends of journals and articles in Journal Citation Reports during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive study
    Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
    Science Editing.2023; 10(1): 78.     CrossRef
  • Article processing charges for open access journal publishing: A review
    Ángel Borrego
    Learned Publishing.2023; 36(3): 359.     CrossRef
  • Changes in article share and growth by publisher and access type in Journal Citation Reports 2016, 2018, and 2020
    Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
    Science Editing.2022; 9(1): 30.     CrossRef
  • The Journal Citation Indicator has arrived for Emerging Sources Citation Index journals, including the Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, in June 2021
    Sun Huh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2021; 18: 20.     CrossRef
Open access status of journals and articles in Journal Citation Reports
Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
Sci Ed. 2021;8(1):26-31.   Published online February 20, 2021
  • 5,881 View
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  • 4 Web of Science
  • 5 Crossref
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There is somewhat of a difference between understanding the open access (OA) concept and practicing it by stakeholders. OA articles are mainly published by gold and hybrid OA journals, but the OA status may be confusing depending on the target databases. This study investigated the OA status of journals and articles and evaluated the extent to which OA2020 (publishing 90% of articles as OA) was achieved.
This study collected OA data by combining 2014-2019 data from Journal Citation Reports at the journal level with Web of Science at the article level. Finally, 12,449 journals were analyzed focusing on gold and hybrid OA journals, and progress towards the goal of OA2020 was evaluated.
Even though 80.4% of Journal Citation Reports journals were gold and hybrid OA journals, only 20.9% of the articles were OA (gold OA journals, 16.6%; hybrid journals, 4.3%). The compound annual growth rate of the total articles was 4.7%, that of OA articles was 16.4%, and that of subscription articles was only 1.7%. Among the subscription journals, 77.4% had shifted to become hybrid journals, but only 5.2% of their articles were OA. Therefore, the hybrid journals were at the very early stage of OA publishing.
Considerable progress must still be made to achieve the goal of OA2020. The influence of OA publishing will eventually expand and therefore, librarians should take interest in OA publishing for the library services.


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  • Scientific publishing in the Republic of Macedonia analysed with artificial intelligence
    Mirko Spiroski, Ivo Spiroski
    Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.2024; 3(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Publishing trends of journals and articles in Journal Citation Reports during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive study
    Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
    Science Editing.2023; 10(1): 78.     CrossRef
  • Article processing charges for open access journal publishing: A review
    Ángel Borrego
    Learned Publishing.2023; 36(3): 359.     CrossRef
  • Changes in article share and growth by publisher and access type in Journal Citation Reports 2016, 2018, and 2020
    Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
    Science Editing.2022; 9(1): 30.     CrossRef
  • Influence of open access journals on the research community in Journal Citation Reports
    Sang-Jun Kim, Kay Sook Park
    Science Editing.2021; 8(1): 32.     CrossRef
Status of digital standards, licensing types, and archiving policies in Asian open access journals registered in Directory of Open Access Journals
Soon Kim, Hyungwook Choi
Sci Ed. 2019;6(1):41-46.   Published online February 20, 2019
  • 8,778 View
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  • 4 Web of Science
  • 5 Crossref
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This study aims to analyze the digital standards of Asian journals registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which has been recognized as an index of quality for open access journals.
Data including 54 fields of each journal listed in DOAJ were provided by the DOAJ team in June 5, 2018. We focused on 11 fields including digital standards, content licensing types and digital archiving policy.
Based on raw data from DOAJ from June 5, 2018, there are 11,534 journals registered in the directory. Among all journals in the directory, Asian journals comprise 1,972 journals from 18 countries. Indonesian journals rank at the top for Asian journals, with 1,322 journals originating from that country. Other major Asian countries’ registration status includes India (238), South Korea (82), China (80), Malaysia (45), Pakistan (39), Taiwan (30), Thailand (27), Japan (20), and Hong Kong (20). Eighty percent of journals (1,584) are using PDF-only as their full-text format, and DOI is adopted in 852 journals (43%). Almost 98% of journals (1,936) are having a Creative Commons license; however, 85% of journals (1,689) do not have a digital archiving policy.
Generally, digital standards are well implemented in South Korea, and digital archiving/deposit policy is well accepted in Indian journals. Many Asian open access journal editors can refer to this study result when they digitalize their journals in order to meet global standards.


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  • The COPE / DOAJ / OASPA / WAME Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing: A Critical Analysis
    Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Salim Moussa
    ETHICS IN PROGRESS.2024; 15(1): 130.     CrossRef
  • Türkiye'de Açık Dergi Sistemlerinde Yayımlanan Kütüphane ve Bilgi Bilim Dergilerinin Dijital Koruma Durumu: Fatcat Tabanlı Bir Analiz
    Kemal Yayla
    Bilgi Yönetimi.2024; 7(2): 252.     CrossRef
  • Digital Archiving Policies of Central European Journals Registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals
    Branka Marijanović, Hrvoje Stančić
    Libri.2023; 73(1): 11.     CrossRef
  • Open-source code to convert Journal Article Tag Suite Extensible Markup Language (JATS XML) to various viewers and other XML types for scholarly journal publishing
    Younsang Cho
    Science Editing.2022; 9(2): 162.     CrossRef
  • Compliance of “Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing” in academic society published journals
    Hyung Wook Choi, Ye Jin Choi, Soon Kim
    Science Editing.2019; 6(2): 112.     CrossRef
Quality open access publishing and registration to Directory of Open Access Journals
Xin Bi
Sci Ed. 2017;4(1):3-11.   Published online February 20, 2017
  • 20,833 View
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  • 11 Web of Science
  • 9 Crossref
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With the fast development of open access publishing worldwide, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) as a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals, has been recognized for its high criteria in facilitating high quality open access scholarly publishing and used as the portal for accessing quality open access journals. While the numbers of journal application to be inclusion in DOAJ in Asia are kept increasing dramatically, many editors of these journals are not very clear about the idea or concept of the open access which have been embedded in the application form containing 58 questions falling into several different criteria categories. The very commonly seen misunderstanding of the required item, inaccurate or vague or incomplete and even missing information, poorly organized website, non-transparent process of publishing, especially no open access statement and copyright statement, or conflicts between the policy statements would cause much more communication between the reviewer and the editor and delay the completion of the review. This article gives an in depth introduction to DOAJ criteria and detailed introduction to the general process on how to register to DOAJ, suggestions based on application review also is given for journal editors to better prepare for this application. And it is the most important for editors to keep in mind that to be indexed by DOAJ is not just about filling a form, it is about truly change and adapt to best practices in open access publishing.


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  • Mapping the open access publications of Indian non-profit organizations over the last 20 years based on OpenAlex insights
    Rima Hazarika, Abhijit Roy, K.G. Sudhier
    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Ming Chen, Linzi Wang
    The Journal of Academic Librarianship.2022; 48(6): 102618.     CrossRef
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    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(13): 4729.     CrossRef
  • Challenge of Ukrainian academic librarians in an evolving scholarly publishing landscape
    Serhii Nazarovets, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Maryna Nazarovets
    The Journal of Academic Librarianship.2019; 45(1): 9.     CrossRef
  • Comprehensive Approach to Open Access Publishing: Platforms and Tools
    Armen Yuri Gasparyan, Marlen Yessirkepov, Alexander A. Voronov, Anna M. Koroleva, George D. Kitas
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    Publications.2019; 7(3): 45.     CrossRef
  • How much progress has Blood Research made since the change of the journal title in 2013
    Sun Huh
    Blood Research.2018; 53(2): 95.     CrossRef
  • Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research's promotion to internationally competitive journal evidenced by journal metrics
    Sun Huh
    Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research.2017; 6(2): 67.     CrossRef
  • Equality, equity, and reality of open access on scholarly information
    Jeong-Wook Seo, Hosik Chung, Tae-Sul Seo, Youngim Jung, Eun Seong Hwang, Cheol-Heui Yun, Hyungsun Kim
    Science Editing.2017; 4(2): 58.     CrossRef
Original Articles
The current status of science journals in Indonesia
Komang G. Wiryawan
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):71-75.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 65,535 View
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  • 14 Web of Science
  • 13 Crossref
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Indonesia is the fourth most highly populated country in the world. Every year, there are more than 1.5-million students enrolled into universities across Indonesia. This large number of students is a potential source of scientific publication, as all students are required to publish a paper before they take their final examination. To accommodate this publication demand, good-quality journals need to be established in Indonesia. Therefore, this paper will describe the current status of scientific journals in Indonesia and some other information related to Indonesian scientific journals. The data presented in this article were obtained from the websites of government institutions such as Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Ministry of Education and Culture, and Indonesian Scientific Journal Database. Currently, there are 5,900 scientific journals in Indonesia that are grouped into three classes, namely non-accredited journals (5,579 titles), accredited journals (342 titles), and international journals (16 titles). Most journals are published by universities, faculties, or departments. Other journals are published by research centers and scientific associations. In recent years, the number of journals indexed in Scopus has increased substantially, from only 2 journals before the year 2000 to 16 journals in 2013. In addition, the number of journals registered in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) increased sharply from 3 titles in 2009 to 109 titles at the end of 2013. In the year 2012, the number of papers published in the abovementioned journals was 145,000, but only 1,314 papers were published internationally. This number is still very low, even when compared to some Southeast Asian countries. To improve the quality of journals and to increase the number of papers published, a high commitment from the government is required, particularly in terms of regulation formulation and funding provision.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Charting the Future of Oral Health: A Bibliometric Exploration of Quality-of-Life Research in Dentistry
    Agatha Ravi Vidiasratri, Lisdrianto Hanindriyo, Caroline Manuela Hartanto
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    Science Editing.2019; 6(2): 148.     CrossRef
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    Science Editing.2018; 5(1): 26.     CrossRef
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  • Equality, equity, and reality of open access on scholarly information
    Jeong-Wook Seo, Hosik Chung, Tae-Sul Seo, Youngim Jung, Eun Seong Hwang, Cheol-Heui Yun, Hyungsun Kim
    Science Editing.2017; 4(2): 58.     CrossRef
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  • Academic journals and cultural diversity
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    Science Editing.2015; 2(1): 1.     CrossRef
Increase in frequency of citation by SCIE journals of non-Medline journals after listing in an open access full-text database
Geum-Hee Jeong, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2014;1(1):24-26.   Published online February 13, 2014
  • 21,665 View
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  • 30 Web of Science
  • 35 Crossref
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We hypothesized that it is not open access status but rather exposure in the PubMed platform that affects citation frequency in medical journals. In November 2008, medical journals from Korea began to be added to PubMed Central (PMC). Therefore, it would be interesting to know whether or not their impact factor based on Web of Science has increased since the journals were listed in PMC/PubMed. To answer this question, a citation analysis of seven journals that have been indexed in PMC since 2008 or 2009 was done. Only non-Medline journals were selected and the impact factors of five Medline journals were compared. The impact factor was calculated via Web of Science. Journal Citation Reports (JCR) data were used if the data of the target journals were provided in JCR. Trends for the impact factors of different years were analyzed using dBSTAT ver. 5.0. There has been an increasing rates of the impact factor for the seven non-Medline journals, 1.92 in 2011 over 2010; 3.27 in 2010 over 2009; 1.12 in 2012 over 2011. As for the five Medline journals, the increasing rate in 2010 over 2009 was 1.18; however, those of 2011 over 2010 and 2012 over 2011 were 1.01 and 1.04 respectively. The Science Citation Index Expanded impact factor of medical journals published in Korea can be increased if those journals are published in English and listed in PMC. This is an effect of the platform in which the journals are listed and not just an effect of free access.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Congratulations on Child Health Nursing Research becoming a PubMed Central journal and reflections on its significance
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    Science Editing.2014; 1(1): 2.     CrossRef
  • Application of new information technologies to scholarly journals: ORCID, CrossMark, and FundRef
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    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2014; 57(5): 455.     CrossRef
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Using Journal Article Tag Suite extensible markup language for scholarly journal articles written in Korean
Sun Huh, Tae Jin Choi, So-Hyeong Kim
Sci Ed. 2014;1(1):19-23.   Published online February 13, 2014
  • 19,286 View
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  • 15 Web of Science
  • 10 Crossref
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The Republic of Korea is the fourth ranking country for the number of PubMed Central (PMC) journals. As of September 2013, 75 journals from Korea are included in PMC. Starting in 2013, several research funding agencies for scholarly journal publications in Korea began to establish open access, full-text databases in the fields of medicine, science, and social sciences and humanities. In those databases, Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) 1.0 is used so that articles written in the Korean language can be easily manipulated as full-text extensible markup language (XML). Editors or publishers must produce full-text XML files based on JATS 1.0. Thus this paper surveys the current state of the application of JATS 1.0 to Korean scholarly journals, including both those in English and those in Korean, focusing on the current technology, training programs, and the policy of the Korean government on open access, full-text XML. This experience in Korea can be a model for constructing mother-tongue, open access, full-text journal databases based on JATS 1.0 in other countries. The usefulness of JATS in scholarly journal publications not only of all fields, but also in all languages, is stressed.


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    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2018; 61(9): 524.     CrossRef
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    Science Editing.2015; 2(2): 55.     CrossRef
  • Journal Metrics-Based Position ofDiabetes & Metabolism Journalafter the Change of Its Text Language to English
    Sun Huh
    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2014; 38(3): 187.     CrossRef
  • How Far Has theInternational Neurourology JournalProgressed Since Its Transformation Into an English Language Journal?
    Sun Huh
    International Neurourology Journal.2014; 18(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Editing and publishing scholarly journals in the internet age
    Kihong Kim
    Science Editing.2014; 1(1): 2.     CrossRef
  • Application of new information technologies to scholarly journals: ORCID, CrossMark, and FundRef
    Sun Huh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2014; 57(5): 455.     CrossRef
  • Coding practice of the Journal Article Tag Suite extensible markup language
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2014; 1(2): 105.     CrossRef
  • Journal Article Tag Suite 1.0: National Information Standards Organization standard of journal extensible markup language
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2014; 1(2): 99.     CrossRef
  • How Journal Metrics Illustrate the Transformation of Archives of Plastic Surgery into an International Journal
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2014; 41(06): 617.     CrossRef

Science Editing : Science Editing