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Case Study
PubMed Central as a platform for the survival of open-access biomedical society journals published in Korea
Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2021;8(2):153-158.   Published online August 20, 2021
  • 5,864 View
  • 155 Download
  • 4 Web of Science
  • 7 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Twenty-one years have passed since PubMed Central (PMC) launched. The present case study describes Korean editors’ history of participation in PMC and their contributions to PMC. The three main turning points in the history of Korean editors’ involvement with PMC were as follows: first, the production of PMC XML files and deposition starting in 2008; second, thorough evaluations of applying journals since 2014; and third, the feasibility of non-English journals being indexed in PMC starting in 2019. The importance of PMC is further shown by the fact that KoreaMed Synapse, a full-text XML database of biomedical journals in Korea that was launched in 2007, was created by benchmarking PMC. Scholarly societies or institutes publish 724 (34.2%) of the 2,119 PMC journals without embargo in June 2021. Out of those 724 journals, 127 (17.5%) are published in Korea. PMC has helped local journals receive more citations from researchers worldwide, increasing their likelihood of being indexed in international databases. The number of submissions from international researchers has increased, thereby making it possible for journals to achieve international diversity. As the best full-text platform of biomedical journals, PMC has provided an excellent opportunity for biomedical journal editors in Korea to change their journals’ language to English and produce full-text JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite) XML files. These factors have made Korea the second-ranked country in terms of no-embargo PMC journals published by academic societies or institutes.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions received the top-ranking Journal Impact Factor―9.3—in the category of Education, Scientific Disciplines in the 2023 Journal Citation Ranking by Clarivate
    Sun Huh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2024; 21: 16.     CrossRef
  • Journal metrics, document network, and conceptual and social structures of the Korean Journal of Anesthesiology from 2017 to July 2022: a bibliometric study
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2023; 76(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Promotion to Top-Tier Journal and Development Strategy of the Annals of Laboratory Medicine for Strengthening its Leadership in the Medical Laboratory Technology Category: A Bibliometric Study
    Sun Huh
    Annals of Laboratory Medicine.2022; 42(3): 321.     CrossRef
  • Congratulations on Child Health Nursing Research becoming a PubMed Central journal and reflections on its significance
    Sun Huh
    Child Health Nursing Research.2022; 28(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Suggestions for Exercise Science’s Promotion to a Top-Tier Journal in the Category of Sports Science
    Sun Huh
    Exercise Science.2022; 31(3): 279.     CrossRef
  • Marking the inclusion of the Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing in PubMed Central and strategies to be promoted to a top-tier journal in the nursing category
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2022; 28(3): 165.     CrossRef
  • The Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery is indexed by PubMed Central in 2022
    Sun Jin Park
    Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery.2022; 25(3): 85.     CrossRef
Original Article
Comparison of length limits and the actual length of abstracts in pharmacology, oncology, and neurology journals listed in PubMed
Eungi Kim, Yong-Gu Lee
Sci Ed. 2021;8(1):39-46.   Published online February 20, 2021
  • 4,818 View
  • 89 Download
  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to compare the length limits specified in the author guidelines with the actual length of abstracts in 90 journals in the fields of pharmacology, oncology, and neurology. Specifically, the following parameters were examined: abstract formats among the three subject areas; the relationship between the length limit and the actual length of abstracts; and actual abstract length according to the number of subheadings, the length of structured abstract subheadings, the length of frequently used subheading sets, and clinical trial registration information.
Thirty journals from each of three medical fields (pharmacology, oncology, and neurology) were selected from Elsevier’s Scimago Journal Rank. This included the journals indexed in PubMed from 2018 to 2019 that published the most articles. Article abstracts from these journals were used to create a dataset for this study. Descriptive, comparative, and correlational analyses of data for the three fields were conducted.
The number of subheadings and abstract length increased in parallel. The Results component was the longest, suggesting that authors tended to use longer text to report results than for other structural abstract components. Authors generally utilized the length limit to a full extent without exceeding it.
The traditionally used 250-word length limit should be reconsidered for pharmacology, oncology, and neurology journals because it disregards the distinctive characteristics of abstracts and length differences between structured and unstructured abstracts. Various characteristics of abstract lengths presented in this study should be considered to establish more justifiable policies.


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  • The use of subject headings varied in Embase and MEDLINE: An analysis of indexing across six subject areas
    Tove Faber Frandsen, Anne-Marie Fiala Carlsen, Mette Brandt Eriksen
    Journal of Information Science.2024; 50(4): 851.     CrossRef
Training Material
Search engines and software for manuscript editing
Yeonwook Kim
Sci Ed. 2020;7(1):88-93.   Published online February 20, 2020
  • 6,264 View
  • 102 Download
AbstractAbstract PDF
In recent years, manuscript editing has become extremely important for academic journals. Using appropriate software for manuscript editing results in improved work efficiency and increased accuracy; therefore, this article aimed to introduce search engines and software that can be used for manuscript editing. First, a variety of search engines and academic databases can be used to reduce errors and to create accurate references. Google, the world’s leading search engine, provides users with information with the highest probability of accuracy, regardless of the reference language or the search term. If it is not possible to find certain information on Google, one can consult WorldCat, PubMed, Naver Academic, KoreaScience, Research Information Sharing Service, DBpia, Crossref, and Edifix. In particular, Naver Academic provides search results for some materials that cannot be found on Google. Second, PerfectIt facilitates the correction of errors that occur frequently in English-language documents. Finally, Grammarly is a helpful tool for checking and correcting grammar and spelling errors. As the academic publishing environment changes, the role and demands of manuscript editors are also changing. In a fast-paced environment, the software and search engines discussed herein are highly useful tools for manuscript editing.
Original Articles
Comparison of the patterns of duplicate articles between KoreaMed and PubMed journals published from 2004 to 2009 according to the categories of duplicate publications
Soo Young Kim, Chong Woo Bae, Hye-Min Cho, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2018;5(1):44-48.   Published online February 19, 2018
  • 10,295 View
  • 188 Download
  • 2 Web of Science
  • 3 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study compared the patterns of duplicate articles between KoreaMed and PubMed journals based on a division of duplicate publications into the 4 categories of ‘copy,’ ‘salami’ (fragmentation), ‘imalas’ (disaggregation), and ‘others,’ as well as in terms of the 11 subcategories suggested by Bae et al., which further elaborate on those 4 main categories. We hypothesized that these 2 groups of articles would show different patterns of duplication. Duplicate publications were identified in a random sample of 5% of the articles from the KoreaMed database published between 2004 and 2009, while all articles with the publication type of ‘duplicate publication’ were selected from PubMed over the same period. The selected articles were classified based on the 4 categories and 11 subcategories of duplicate publications, and the data from the 2 groups were compared. A total of 108 articles were selected from KoreaMed and 45 articles were obtained from PubMed. The category of copy was the most common in both databases. The next most frequent pattern was imalas (disaggregation). Pattern of duplicate publication between 2 databases showed no correlation (P = 0.8754). Although the 108 articles from KoreaMed were allocated to all 11 Bae et al.’s subcategories, those from PubMed were allocated to only 8. The above results showed that the articles in the 2 databases had different patterns of duplication, as defined in terms of the 11 subcategories. The use of these 11 subcategories will help journal editors to develop an appropriate framework for considering a variety of duplication types.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Recent Issues in Medical Journal Publishing and Editing Policies: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Preprints, Open Peer Review, Model Text Recycling Policies, Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing 4th Version, and Country Names in Titles
    Sun Huh
    Neurointervention.2023; 18(1): 2.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of duplicated publications in Russian journals
    Yury V. Chekhovich, Andrey V. Khazov
    Journal of Informetrics.2022; 16(1): 101246.     CrossRef
  • How many retracted articles indexed in KoreaMed were cited 1 year after retraction notification
    Soo Young Kim, Hyun Jung Yi, Hye-Min Cho, Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2019; 6(2): 122.     CrossRef
Bibliometric and content analysis of medical articles in the PubMed database published by North Korean authors from 1997 to July 2017
Geum Hee Jeong, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2017;4(2):70-75.   Published online August 16, 2017
  • 12,901 View
  • 224 Download
  • 9 Web of Science
  • 10 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed at analyzing the bibliometric characteristics and content of medical articles from North Korea in PubMed and characterizing the patterns of international cooperation of medical researchers in North Korea. We hypothesized that the number of publications from North Korea in PubMed has increased recently as a result of active cooperation with foreign researchers. PubMed was searched on July 19, 2017 using the search term “(North Korea [Affiliation]) OR Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [Affiliation]) OR DPRK [Affiliation].” The content of medical articles was analyzed and cooperative work with foreign researchers was noted. The number of medical articles in PubMed through July 2017 was 16, of which 2 were by North Korean authors only. From the content of these articles, it was found that researchers in top-notch institutions, including Kim Il Sung University, can access the internet, and that a dental caries prevention program supported by Finland has been in place for more than 10 years. The number of publications from North Korea in PubMed has increased recently, although the amount is still very small. Providing internet access to North Korean researchers will accelerate their submissions to international journals.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Co-authorship network analysis of North Korean chemistry researchers based on issues of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering published from 2008 to 2022: a bibliometric study
    Eunmi Park, Ho-Yeol Yoon
    Science Editing.2024; 11(1): 38.     CrossRef
  • Tracking North Korean economic transformation and trends in economic research
    Justin V. Hastings, Haneol Lee
    Asia and the Global Economy.2023; 3(1): 100050.     CrossRef
  • Mapping the development of North Korea's domestic nuclear research networks
    Philip Baxter, Justin V. Hastings, Philseo Kim, Man‐Sung Yim
    Review of Policy Research.2022; 39(2): 219.     CrossRef
  • Systematic Reviews in Dental Research
    Gadde Praveen, Mohan Kumar Pasupuleti, Gautami S Penmetsa, Haribabu Nagisetti, Sailakshmi Durga Indukuri, Anitha Akkaloori
    Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry.2022; 12(5): 571.     CrossRef
  • Bibliographic and content analysis of articles on education from Vietnam indexed in Scopus from 2009 to 2018
    Cuong Huu Nguyen, Loc Thi My Nguyen, Trung Tran, Tien-Trung Nguyen
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 45.     CrossRef
  • A critical examination of international research conducted by North Korean authors: Increasing trends of collaborative research between China and North Korea
    Eungi Kim, Eun Sil Kim
    Scientometrics.2020; 124(1): 429.     CrossRef
  • Bibliographic and content analysis of physics papers from North Korea indexed in the Scopus from 2005 to 2018
    Kihong Kim, Yeonok Chung
    Science Editing.2019; 6(1): 35.     CrossRef
  • Structural characteristics of institutional collaboration in North Korea analyzed through domestic publications
    Han Woo Park, Jungwon Yoon
    Scientometrics.2019; 119(2): 771.     CrossRef
  • Systematic review of evidence on public health in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
    John J Park, Ah-Young Lim, Hyung-Soon Ahn, Andrew I Kim, Soyoung Choi, David HW Oh, Owen Lee-Park, Sharon Y Kim, Sun Jae Jung, Jesse B Bump, Rifat Atun, Hee Young Shin, Kee B Park
    BMJ Global Health.2019; 4(2): e001133.     CrossRef
  • An Analysis of Infectious Disease Research Trends in Medical Journals From North Korea
    Do-Hyeon Park, Min-Ho Choi, Ah-Young Lim, Hee Young Shin
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2018; 51(2): 109.     CrossRef
Current status of Science Citation Index Expanded listing of Korean medical journals and effect of PubMed electronic publication ahead of print to their impact factors
Jae Jun Shim, Byung-Ho Kim
Sci Ed. 2016;3(2):94-99.   Published online August 20, 2016
  • 16,783 View
  • 150 Download
AbstractAbstract PDF
This year marked the twentieth anniversary of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE). The number of member journals has increased from 105 to 257 since its inception in 1996. In the same period, the number of journals listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) has increased from zero to 35. The average journal impact factor (JIF) that was initially 0.13 has now increased by more than tenfold on average to 1.45 as of 2014. Many KAMJE journals that are not indexed in the SCIE are putting their best effort towards eventual inclusion. Following listing with SCIE, however, editors have turned their attention towards the JIF and have shown interest in early online publication as a means of improving the JIF. The current status of PubMed electronic publication ahead of print (EAP) was surveyed among KAMJE journals that are indexed in the SCIE, and the impact of this EAP on the improvement of the JIF was investigated. Based on the survey, more than half of the members have started or are planning on implementing EAP. However, these efforts were found to be still in their infancy, and they have been insufficient to serve as a basis for scientific analysis. Since the sample size is too small and the implementation period too short to statistically analyze the effects of early publication on the JIF, a case-by-case approach was taken. Based on case studies, it is difficult to draw conclusions yet about whether online early publication enhances the JIF.
Increase in frequency of citation by SCIE journals of non-Medline journals after listing in an open access full-text database
Geum-Hee Jeong, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2014;1(1):24-26.   Published online February 13, 2014
  • 21,623 View
  • 204 Download
  • 30 Web of Science
  • 35 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF

We hypothesized that it is not open access status but rather exposure in the PubMed platform that affects citation frequency in medical journals. In November 2008, medical journals from Korea began to be added to PubMed Central (PMC). Therefore, it would be interesting to know whether or not their impact factor based on Web of Science has increased since the journals were listed in PMC/PubMed. To answer this question, a citation analysis of seven journals that have been indexed in PMC since 2008 or 2009 was done. Only non-Medline journals were selected and the impact factors of five Medline journals were compared. The impact factor was calculated via Web of Science. Journal Citation Reports (JCR) data were used if the data of the target journals were provided in JCR. Trends for the impact factors of different years were analyzed using dBSTAT ver. 5.0. There has been an increasing rates of the impact factor for the seven non-Medline journals, 1.92 in 2011 over 2010; 3.27 in 2010 over 2009; 1.12 in 2012 over 2011. As for the five Medline journals, the increasing rate in 2010 over 2009 was 1.18; however, those of 2011 over 2010 and 2012 over 2011 were 1.01 and 1.04 respectively. The Science Citation Index Expanded impact factor of medical journals published in Korea can be increased if those journals are published in English and listed in PMC. This is an effect of the platform in which the journals are listed and not just an effect of free access.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Congratulations on Child Health Nursing Research becoming a PubMed Central journal and reflections on its significance
    Sun Huh
    Child Health Nursing Research.2022; 28(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Evidence-based recommendations for increasing the citation frequency of original articles
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    Scientometrics.2022; 127(6): 3367.     CrossRef
  • Suggestions for Exercise Science’s Promotion to a Top-Tier Journal in the Category of Sports Science
    Sun Huh
    Exercise Science.2022; 31(3): 279.     CrossRef
  • Marking the inclusion of the Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing in PubMed Central and strategies to be promoted to a top-tier journal in the nursing category
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2022; 28(3): 165.     CrossRef
  • PubMed Central as a platform for the survival of open-access biomedical society journals published in Korea
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2021; 8(2): 153.     CrossRef
  • Document Network and Conceptual and Social Structures of Clinical Endoscopy from 2015 to July 2021 Based on the Web of Science Core Collection: A Bibliometric Study
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  • Position of Ultrasonography in the scholarly journal network based on bibliometrics and developmental strategies for it to become a top-tier journal
    Sun Huh
    Ultrasonography.2020; 39(3): 238.     CrossRef
  • How Annals of Dermatology Has Improved the Scientific Quality and Ethical Standards of its Articles in the Two-Year Period since October 2018
    Sun Huh
    Annals of Dermatology.2020; 32(5): 353.     CrossRef
  • Development Status of the Korean Journal of Child Studies 4 Years After the Suggestions made in 2016
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  • Promotion to MEDLINE, indexing with Medical Subject Headings, and open data policy for the Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions
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    Learned Publishing.2016; 29(3): 193.     CrossRef
  • Current status of Science Citation Index Expanded listing of Korean medical journals and effect of PubMed electronic publication ahead of print to their impact factors
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    Science Editing.2016; 3(2): 94.     CrossRef
  • Status of digital standards in Korean medical journals in 2016
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    Science Editing.2016; 3(2): 100.     CrossRef
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    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2014; 38(3): 187.     CrossRef
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    Science Editing.2014; 1(1): 2.     CrossRef
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    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2014; 57(5): 455.     CrossRef
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    International Neurourology Journal.2014; 18(1): 3.     CrossRef
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Science Editing : Science Editing