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Coding practice of the Journal Article Tag Suite extensible markup language
Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):105-112.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 40,963 View
  • 273 Download
  • 3 Web of Science
  • 11 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF

In general, the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) extensible markup language (XML) coding is processed automatically by an XML filtering program. In this article, the basic tagging in JATS is explained in terms of coding practice. A text editor that supports UTF-8 encoding is necessary to input JATS XML data that works in every language. Any character representable in Unicode can be used in JATS XML, and commonly available web browsers can be used to view JATS XML files. JATS XML files can refer to document type definitions, extensible stylesheet language files, and cascading style sheets, but they must specify the locations of those files. Tools for validating JATS XML files are available via the web sites of PubMed Central and ScienceCentral. Once these files are uploaded to a web server, they can be accessed from all over the world by anyone with a browser. Encoding an example article in JATS XML may help editors in deciding on the adoption of JATS XML.


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