Events in 2016

Article information

Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):63-63
Publication date (electronic) : 2016 February 19
doi :

The Korean Council of Science Editors announces the schedule of the events in 2016. Out of them, the 3rd Asian Science Editors’ Conference and Workshop (July 20-22, 2016) will be hell in The Korean Science and Technology Center, Seoul, Korea. Theme of the conference and workshop is ‘Development of Asian STM journals to international level.’ There will be preconference workshop in July 20, 2016. One and half day is allocated for the conference. The precise schedule and the call for papers will be propagated up to end of February 2016 through homepage of the Council of Asian Science Editors available from:

Schedule of the events by the Korean Council of Science Editors in 2016

Article information Continued

Table 1.

Schedule of the events by the Korean Council of Science Editors in 2016

January February March April May June
Science Editing (twice a year) Vol.3 No.1 (20)a)
Newsletter (4 times a year) No. 17 (31) No. 18 (30)
Annual meeting and conference 2016 Annual meeting and conference (22)
Editors’ Workshop 2016 Preconference Workshop (21)
Manuscript Editors’ Training & Workshop Basic Manuscript Editing (13, 20, 27) Basic Manuscript Editing (3, 17, 24) Basic Manuscript Editing (9, 16) Advanced Manuscript Editing (4, 18) Advanced Manuscript Editing (1, 15)
Publication Ethics Workshop Publication Ethics Workshop (16-17)

July August September October November December

Science Editing (twice a year) Vol.3 No.2 (20)
Newsletter (4 times a year) No. 19 (30) No. 20 (31)
International Conference 3rd Asian Science Editors’ Conference and Workshop (20-22)
Editors’ Workshop Editors’ Workshop (2)
Manuscript Editors’ Training & Workshop Advanced Manuscript Editing (6, 20) Advanced Manuscript Editing (3, 17, 31) Advanced Manuscript Editing (7)
Training for managers Journal (13)
Publication Ethics Workshop Publication Ethics Workshop (9)
BELS certification examination BELS Certification Examination (3)

Date is noted in parenthesis.