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Case Study
Mentorship program to elevate journal quality and rankings in Indonesia: a case study
Ferry Efendiorcid, Hery Purnobasukiorcid, Dessy Harisantyorcid, Diyah Alinia Oktariningtiasorcid, Sarah Khairunnisaorcid
Science Editing 2024;11(2):149-154.
Published online: August 20, 2024

Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Correspondence to Ferry Efendi
• Received: July 28, 2024   • Accepted: August 12, 2024

Copyright © 2024 Korean Council of Science Editors

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  • This article explores the best practices of mentorship programs in all journals at Universitas Airlangga. The university has established a journal mentoring team, as mandated by the rector’s regulation, which is responsible for guiding journals through preparation, submission, management, policy, and overall quality improvement. A case study was conducted to explore the mentoring mechanisms at Universitas Airlangga. Mentors were selected from among experienced editors at the university, each with a distinguished background in managing their own journals. The mentorship program successfully led to the indexing of 14 journals in Scopus, one in Web of Science (WoS), 85 in the Science and Technology Index (SINTA), and 60 in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The strategies used can be shared with other universities to assist their journal editors. The mentorship program at Universitas Airlangga has significantly improved the quality and international visibility of its academic journals. This is evidenced by the successful indexing of numerous journals in prestigious databases including Scopus, WoS, SINTA, and DOAJ. The structured mentoring, clear targets, and comprehensive institutional support were instrumental in achieving these results. This model serves as a scalable best practice for other universities seeking to improve their journal quality and global standing.
The recognition and visibility of scientific journals are typically assessed by their presence in prominent international indexing databases [1]. These indexing services reflect a journal’s adherence to rigorous editorial standards and its impact on the global academic community [2]. Research has shown that journals indexed in international databases receive higher citation rates and greater attention from the academic community compared to those that are not indexed, potentially boosting the credibility and dissemination of the research published within them [3]. This suggests that a journal’s indexing status is a crucial measure of its quality and influence [4,5].
Indonesia has a large number of scientific journals, with recent data indicating the presence of 10,480 journals managed by 1,467 publishers throughout the country [6]. The Indonesian government has presented an opportunity to promote and advance high-quality, open access journals [7]. These statistics are sourced from the Science and Technology Index (SINTA), a web-based information system developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. SINTA facilitates quick, easy, and comprehensive assessments of the performance of researchers, institutions, and journals within Indonesia [6]. Additionally, SINTA provides insights into the quality of researchers and institutions at the departmental level. Of the 10,480 journals, 152 are ranked S1, 1,100 as S2, 1,854 as S3, 3,566 as S4, 3,366 as S5, and 442 as S6 [6]. Universitas Airlangga, commonly referred to as UNAIR, was established in 1954 and is situated in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Universitas Airlangga has achieved the status of a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH) [8]. The statute governing Universitas Airlangga was enacted under the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2014 concerning the Statute of Universitas Airlangga [9]. According to the QS World University Ranking 2025, Universitas Airlangga is ranked 308th globally and fourth in Indonesia [10]. Based on the SINTA score, Universitas Airlangga is ranked second nationally [11]. Universitas Airlangga is committed to maintaining and improving the quality of its journals through innovative strategies, including mentorship programs [12]. The university manages approximately 106 journals across various disciplines with the support of over 500 journal editors. Universitas Airlangga encompasses a wide range of faculties, including medicine, dentistry, arts and humanities, economics and finance, veterinary, science and technology, nursing, fisheries and marine, health sciences and natural sciences, social and political science, public health, law, advanced technology and multidisciplinary, psychology, pharmacy, and postgraduate school.
Mentorship has emerged as a primary strategy for achieving excellence in journal quality. Mentoring programs are not a novel concept and have been utilized across various disciplines [1316]. A good mentoring program equips the editorial board, publishing team, and journal editors with the essential knowledge and skills required to adhere to the rigorous standards of international indexing [14]. Experienced publishers or academics serve as mentors, offering valuable insights into best practices for editorial management, manuscript selection, and decision-making processes. In the realm of interdisciplinary research, mentorship is particularly vital. It aids journal editors in understanding their roles within the larger team and organization, while also improving collaborative skills and fostering the development of new professional relationships [17].
Mentoring plays a crucial role in encouraging journals to achieve the highest standards of editorial excellence. This includes fostering an evolving culture, implementing innovative editorial policies, and promoting diversity in writing and content. It also ensures that journals adhere to ethical guidelines and publishing standards. By maintaining collaborative relationships with mentors and journal editors, journals can solidify their standing within the global scientific community.
This article aims to thoroughly examine best mentoring practices, highlighting their importance and urgency for journals striving to gain recognition and impact on a global scale. The case study presented here introduces a mentoring program designed for journal publishers to improve the quality of the journals they manage. In 2024, Universitas Airlangga oversees 106 journals across a wide range of disciplines. These include medicine, dentistry, arts and humanities, economics and finance, veterinary, agricultural and biological science, nursing, science and technology, health science, social science, law, multidisciplinary, psychology, and pharmacology.
Ethics statement
This is a literature-based study; therefore, neither institutional review board approval nor informed consent was required.
Study design and setting
During the university’s target-setting process, journals at Universitas Airlangga undergo specific stages of submission mentoring. At the initial stage, known as the low-mentoring target, journals receive support for submissions to Google Scholar, SINTA, and Garda Rujukan Digital (GARUDA). As they advance to the medium mentoring target stage, they are assisted with submissions to PubMed and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Finally, at the high-mentoring target stage, journals receive support for submissions to Scopus and the Web of Science (WoS) (Fig. 1). All journals at Universitas Airlangga are required to participate in this structured mentoring process, progressing from the low-mentoring target to the high-mentoring target under the guidance of a mentor team. Universitas Airlangga allocates budgets to each faculty/institution based on the rector’s decree. Faculties/institutions that manage journals must allocate a budget for journal management.
This study utilized a case study design to explore the mechanisms of mentoring. It aimed to understand the processes and outcomes of mentoring programs that are implemented to improve the quality and reputation of academic journals at universities.
Data sources and measurement
Mentors at Universitas Airlangga are experienced journal editors from various disciplines, categorized into four main areas: health medicine, social sciences, and engineering. Each mentoring team comprises three to five faculty members who serve on editorial boards, assisted by one secretary, with no more than five members per team. The primary responsibilities of these mentors include conducting initial assessments of the journals they oversee, setting journal targets, organizing the mentoring process, and carrying out continuous monitoring and evaluation. Each team is allocated financial resources to manage between 13 and 20 journals, aiming to advance their indexation level.
Mentors schedule regular meetings as required, adhering to the journals’ guidelines and the agreements established with the editorial teams they assist. Furthermore, mentors submit routine reports to the Institute of Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) to confirm that the journals comply with strict regulatory standards concerning both financial management and publication ethics.
This mentoring program was conducted from 2020 to 2024, involving six teams comprised of faculty members from selected faculties. Table 1 shows the data on the number of journals mentored, the journal mentoring teams from 2020 to 2024, the subject areas of the journals managed, and the journal indexing targets.
In 2020, 25 mentors were responsible for 79 journals. This figure rose to 97 journals with 26 mentors in 2021. By 2022, the number of journals had increased marginally to 98, while the number of mentors decreased slightly to 25. In 2023, the total number of journals climbed to 100, with the mentor count holding steady at 25. By 2024, the number of journals had grown to 104, although the number of mentors dropped to 24. This trend demonstrates consistent growth in the number of journals being mentored, alongside a relatively stable size of the mentoring team.
The mentoring process continued despite the inability to conduct sessions in-person due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom (Zoom Video Communications Inc) has been utilized to maintain the continuity of mentoring. Universitas Airlangga has been actively working to enhance its journal indexing metrics, a key part of its strategic objectives. This has involved making use of online resources and remote working conditions to concentrate on achieving these goals. All submissions to the indexing platforms for both Scopus and WoS were handled online. In-person meetings were rare and only scheduled when there were monitoring and evaluation tasks to be carried out by the LIPJPHKI. Apart from these exceptions, all mentoring activities were conducted online.
The data in Table 2 outline the targets for indexing Universitas Airlangga journals across various platforms from 2020 to 2024. The number of journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS) has fluctuated, beginning with five in 2020, peaking at 19 in 2021, and then decreasing to eight by 2024. OJS is a free and open-source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals online [18]. The journals indexed in the DOAJ increased significantly from 24 in 2020 to 50 in 2021, then experienced a decline, stabilizing at nine in 2024. For SINTA, there was an initial decrease from 34 in 2020 to 18 in 2021, followed by a rise to 51 in 2022, and a subsequent decrease to 22 by 2024. The WoS targets showed a notable increase, starting at 13 in 2020, dropping to seven in 2021, and then rising steadily to 37 by 2024. Similarly, the Scopus indexing targets grew from three in 2020 to 28 in 2024, indicating a strong emphasis on achieving higher indexing standards over the years.
The data in Table 3 illustrate the performance of Universitas Airlangga journals indexed across various databases from 2020 to 2023. The number of journals using OJS initially rose from three in 2020 to 18 in 2021, then fell to three in 2022, and slightly increased to five in 2023. DOAJ experienced a steady increase from two journals in 2020 to nine in 2023. The indexing trends in SINTA showed considerable fluctuations, beginning with 14 journals in 2020, decreasing to 11 in 2021, surging to 39 in 2022, and then dramatically dropping to just one in 2023. Throughout these years, no journals were indexed in WoS. In contrast, the number of journals indexed in Scopus has consistently grown, from one in 2020 to six in 2023. Overall, the total number of indexed journals rose from 20 in 2020 to a peak of 54 in 2022, before falling to 21 in 2023.
Fig. 2 illustrates that there are 14 subject areas covered by the 106 journals managed by Universitas Airlangga. It details the distribution of journals across these areas as follows: medicine, 23; social science, 14; economics, econometrics, and finance, 13; health science, 11; nursing, 8; science and technology, 6; veterinary, 6; art and humanities, 5; agricultural and biological science, 4; law, 4; multidisciplinary, 4; dentistry, 3; pharmacology, 3; and psychology, 2. Notably, the Faculty of Public Health, categorized under health science, excels with five of its journals indexed by Scopus. This achievement is likely due to factors such as secondary citations in Scopus and effective journal governance, which together enhance the performance of health science journals at Universitas Airlangga.
Key results
Among the 106 journals published by Universitas Airlangga, key subject areas included medicine (22%), social science (13%), economics, econometrics, and finance (12%), health science (10%), and nursing (8%). The number of journals mentored in these subjects has increased. In 2024, there were 104 journals within the top five subject areas, marking a 1% increase compared to the mentored journals in 2023. This consistent growth explains why the number of journal mentoring teams has remained relatively stable from 2020 to 2024. The mentored journals aim to meet specific targets set by Universitas Airlangga, with the highest targets being for OJS in 2021 (20%), DOAJ in 2021 (52%), SINTA in 2022 (52%), WoS in 2024 (36%), and Scopus in 2024 (27%). The highest journal achievement occurred in 2022, with over 50% meeting their targets, while some journals were still under assessment in 2023.
In its approach to managing its journals, Universitas Airlangga adheres to regulations set by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology [7], as well as the ethical publication standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics [19]. To improve the quality and ranking of Universitas Airlangga’s journals both nationally and internationally, Universitas Airlangga has introduced a mentoring program. This program, overseen by the rector’s regulations, involves the selection of journal candidates. These candidates are chosen based on criteria set by LIPJPHKI, which include being listed in national and international journals, registration with SINTA Author, and active roles such as editor-in-chief or editorial board chairman of a journal [20].
The mentoring program is structured into four distinct stages: planning, which involves designing journal targets based on current status and potential; organizing, which includes assigning sponsor teams according to targeted journals; actuating, which entails carrying out mentoring activities and selfevaluation based on index criteria for publication time accuracy using Google Scholar and GARUDA; and controlling, which involves performing evaluations of the mentoring results to enhance journal quality. Universitas Airlangga establishes annual targets for all its published journals at the beginning of each year. The minimum target level is OJS, where mentor teams verify publication time accuracy before submissions are made to Google Scholar and GARUDA. The next level is DOAJ, which involves providing submission assistance and monitoring the acceptance process until recognition is achieved. The highest targets are set for WoS and Scopus, ensuring compliance with all phases and regulations of the indexing process.
The mentoring methods employed by the teams at Universitas Airlangga are conducted both in-person and online, with a significant portion of the program taking place virtually. While participation in the mentoring program at Universitas Airlangga was mandatory and enforced through various penalties, such an approach may not be feasible for all institutions. However, the flexibility and effectiveness of the online format allowed for consistent engagement and progress tracking without the need for strict enforcement. This suggests that even voluntary mentorship programs, particularly those conducted online, can still lead to substantial improvements in journal quality and visibility. Currently, the results of the mentoring programs include 14 journals indexed in Scopus, one in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, 60 in DOAJ, and 85 in SINTA. In addition to the mentoring program, Universitas Airlangga enhances journal quality and global visibility through various facilities, including promotional and branding teams. The mentoring program may be instrumental in helping journal and editorial members enhance their capabilities by providing guidance and support throughout the publication process.
The data analysis discussed in this article was carried out from the perspective of, and in accordance with, the journal mentoring policy implemented at Universitas Airlangga.
The mentoring system implemented by Universitas Airlangga has been highly effective in enhancing the quality and ranking of journals on both national and international scales. For institutions looking to adopt a similar mentoring program, several best practices should be considered. First, it is crucial to conduct structured and systematic evaluations to monitor journal progress, identify challenges at an early stage, and provide targeted feedback to overcome any hurdles. Additionally, robust institutional support is essential, encompassing clear policies, financial assistance, and administrative backing to ensure that journal managers have the necessary resources to thrive. Incorporating flexible mentoring formats, such as combining in-person and online sessions, can increase accessibility and maintain consistent engagement. Choosing experienced mentors who can offer customized guidance is also vital, as it enables journal editors to acquire practical insights that are directly relevant to their specific situations. Lastly, it is important for mentoring programs to focus on long-term development. This approach should aim not only at achieving immediate enhancements but also at fostering sustained quality and competitiveness over time. By adopting these practices, institutions can establish a mentoring program that significantly improves journal quality and prepares editors and managers to excel at both national and international levels.

Conflict of Interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


The authors received no financial support for this article.

Data Availability

Dataset files are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

The authors did not provide any supplementary materials for this article.
Fig. 1.
Submission mentoring stages of journals at Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia). GARUDA, Garda Rujukan Digital; SINTA, Science and Technology Index; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals.
Fig. 2.
Subject areas covered by the 106 journals managed by Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia).
Table 1.
Data on the number of Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals mentored from 2020 to 2024
Year No. of journals No. of mentors
2020 79 25
2021 97 26
2022 98 25
2023 100 25
2024 104 24
Table 2.
Journal indexing targets for Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals from 2020 to 2024
Target Year (no. of journals)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
SINTA 34 18 51 12 22
OJS 5 19 3 10 8
DOAJ 24 50 17 40 9
WoS 13 7 19 22 37
Scopus 3 3 8 16 28

SINTA, Science and Technology Index; OJS, Open Journal Systems; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals; WoS, Web of Science.

Table 3.
Achievements of Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals indexed in various databases from 2020 to 2023
Achievement Year (no. of journals)
2020 2021 2022 2023a)
OJS 3 18 3 5
DOAJ 2 6 8 9
SINTA 14 11 39 1
WoS 0 0 0 0
Scopus 1 3 4 6
Total 20 37 54 21

OJS, Open Journal Systems; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals; SINTA, Science and Technology Index; WoS, Web of Science.

a) Achievements in 2023 for journal support targeting DOAJ, SINTA, WoS, and Scopus are still under evaluation as of date of submission.

Figure & Data



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      Mentorship program to elevate journal quality and rankings in Indonesia: a case study
      Image Image
      Fig. 1. Submission mentoring stages of journals at Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia). GARUDA, Garda Rujukan Digital; SINTA, Science and Technology Index; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals.
      Fig. 2. Subject areas covered by the 106 journals managed by Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia).
      Mentorship program to elevate journal quality and rankings in Indonesia: a case study
      Year No. of journals No. of mentors
      2020 79 25
      2021 97 26
      2022 98 25
      2023 100 25
      2024 104 24
      Target Year (no. of journals)
      2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
      SINTA 34 18 51 12 22
      OJS 5 19 3 10 8
      DOAJ 24 50 17 40 9
      WoS 13 7 19 22 37
      Scopus 3 3 8 16 28
      Achievement Year (no. of journals)
      2020 2021 2022 2023a)
      OJS 3 18 3 5
      DOAJ 2 6 8 9
      SINTA 14 11 39 1
      WoS 0 0 0 0
      Scopus 1 3 4 6
      Total 20 37 54 21
      Table 1. Data on the number of Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals mentored from 2020 to 2024

      Table 2. Journal indexing targets for Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals from 2020 to 2024

      SINTA, Science and Technology Index; OJS, Open Journal Systems; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals; WoS, Web of Science.

      Table 3. Achievements of Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya, Indonesia) journals indexed in various databases from 2020 to 2023

      OJS, Open Journal Systems; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals; SINTA, Science and Technology Index; WoS, Web of Science.

      Achievements in 2023 for journal support targeting DOAJ, SINTA, WoS, and Scopus are still under evaluation as of date of submission.

      Science Editing : Science Editing