1) The manuscript has not been published in any other journal.
2) The review is the responsibility of the editorial board.
3) The editorial board is able to revise the manuscript.
4) The date that a manuscript arrives at the editorial office is the date of receipt.
5) The length of a manuscript should be equal to or less than 15 pages of wongoji (manuscript paper with squares for four hundred characters) including tables and figures.
6) A manuscript should be written from left to right and correctly not in the running style.
7) The table should be neatly written with a bud (ink brush). Line drawing should be thin.
8) An abstract in Korean should be included on the front page of a manuscript.
9) An Abstract in English, German, or French which is less than 800 characters should be included. Type the abstract with a typewriter if possible.
10) All tables and figures should be presented in English, German, or French.
11) References should be included at the end of the paper, with numbered footnotes in the main text. The following order should be kept: author’s name, journal title, volume, page, and year. Underline the number of the volume.
12) Only members of the KCS is eligible to submit a manu script; however, non-member(s) may be included as co-authors.
13) Measurements should be in metric system (International System of Units).
14) Numeric should be in Arabic and should be written as follows: 75°C to 85°C, 9 to 11 hours, 78,960 t.
15) In the following cases, additional cost will be charged to author(s): first, when figures (photos or drawings) are printed on a coated paper; second, when a drawing needs revision, or when a series of manuscript are submitted.
16) The abbreviations of journals should follow those in Chemical Abstract. Metric units should be written as follows: m (meter), cm, km, m2, m3, ℓ, g, kg, mg, t (ton), %, pH, mmHg, cal, kcal, °C, Volt, and Amp.