KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science & Technology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Copyright © Korean Council of Science Editors
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1) The manuscript has not been published in any other journal.
2) The review is the responsibility of the editorial board.
3) The editorial board is able to revise the manuscript.
4) The date that a manuscript arrives at the editorial office is the date of receipt.
5) The length of a manuscript should be equal to or less than 15 pages of wongoji (manuscript paper with squares for four hundred characters) including tables and figures.
6) A manuscript should be written from left to right and correctly not in the running style.
7) The table should be neatly written with a bud (ink brush). Line drawing should be thin.
8) An abstract in Korean should be included on the front page of a manuscript.
9) An Abstract in English, German, or French which is less than 800 characters should be included. Type the abstract with a typewriter if possible.
10) All tables and figures should be presented in English, German, or French.
11) References should be included at the end of the paper, with numbered footnotes in the main text. The following order should be kept: author’s name, journal title, volume, page, and year. Underline the number of the volume.
12) Only members of the KCS is eligible to submit a manu script; however, non-member(s) may be included as co-authors.
13) Measurements should be in metric system (International System of Units).
14) Numeric should be in Arabic and should be written as follows: 75°C to 85°C, 9 to 11 hours, 78,960 t.
15) In the following cases, additional cost will be charged to author(s): first, when figures (photos or drawings) are printed on a coated paper; second, when a drawing needs revision, or when a series of manuscript are submitted.
16) The abbreviations of journals should follow those in Chemical Abstract. Metric units should be written as follows: m (meter), cm, km, m2, m3, ℓ, g, kg, mg, t (ton), %, pH, mmHg, cal, kcal, °C, Volt, and Amp.
1) It allowed a paper published in a foreign journal to be published in Korean in JKCS as long as the editorial board approved, and the author clearly acknowledged the secondary publication.
2) It defined the style and format more precisely, for example, title, author’s name, research location, address of affiliation, and total length of manuscript.
3) It reinforced that all titles and captions for tables and figures should be written in English, German, or French—even though the main text is written in Korean.
4) It explained references style and citation format in the main text in detail.
5) It recommended to use proper nouns in their original languages and to refer to chemical names rather than product names of medical drugs.
6) It asked to use chemical terminologies suggested by the KCS.
1)The reviewers are appointed by the editor-in-chief, and at least two reviewers read the same manuscript to determine whether it is eligible to be accepted.
2)When reviewers’ opinions disagree, the editorial board rereviews the manuscript to decide the acceptance.
3)Manuscripts are considered unsuitable for publication in the following cases: the originality of the paper is not clear; the paper lacks logical, clear reasoning to support its discoveries; and the foreign language writing is not suitable to be understood.
4)The result of a review is one of the three: ‘acceptable’, ‘pending’, or ‘unacceptable.’ Pending cases require revision or re-editing.
1) The board consists of an editor-in-chief, associate editor (former editorial secretary), and 9 editorial board members. The editor-in-chief is recommended by the secretary general and appointed by the president. If editor-in-chief nominates associate editors and editorial board members, the president appoints them.
2) The board follows ‘instructions to authors’ and ‘guideline for review’ and are responsible to review and accept manuscripts.
3) One-half of the editorial board members are replaced every year, and the board’s business is reported at a secretaries’ meeting every two months.
The author has been a member of the KCS since 1964, and has held many different roles, including planning secretary, general affairs secretary, secretary general (1991), president (2000), member of the Academic Committee, and member of the Publication Committee. This article presents the author’s personal opinion, not an official opinion of the KCS.