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Creating Journal Article Tag Suite extensible markup language from Japanese language articles and automatic typesetting using extensible stylesheet language transformations
Hidehiko Nakanishi, Toshiyuki Naganawa, Soichi Tokizane, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Sci Ed. 2015;2(2):63-72.   Published online August 14, 2015
  • 17,997 View
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  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
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A Japanese-language journal has been converted into the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) extensible markup language (XML) format, and typeset automatically via XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) to produce both the printed issues and online journals which are published on the J-STAGE e-journal platform in full-text hypertext markup language. As there is no established XML workflow tools available for Japanese language journals, the Nakanishi Printing Company has developed its own workflow using Antenna House (AH) Formatter. AS scientific, technical, and medical journals are by-and-large in international standards even in Japanese-language, typesetting is fairly straightforward. Still, there are several challenges in processing agglutinative languages which are common in Asian counties such as Japanese, such as identifying family names/given names in a name string, or inserting “Zero Width Joiner” to avoid unfavorable line breaks. Also we had to develop individual extensible stylesheet language transformations (XSLT) for each article to position tables and figures rightly. As we go on and work with humanities journals we should face more challenges.


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  • The rapid internationalization of Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism as evidenced by journal metrics
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Training Materials
Journal Article Tag Suite 1.0: National Information Standards Organization standard of journal extensible markup language
Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):99-104.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 21,047 View
  • 153 Download
  • 22 Web of Science
  • 23 Crossref
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In the era of information technology, scholarly journals cannot escape the rising tide of technological advancement. To be exposed more easily to readers, the web forms of scholarly journals and articles become more important year after year. Furthermore, there is a trend of print journals closing, and a significant emergence of online journals. Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) extensible markup language (XML) became an National Information Standards Organization standard language in online journal publishing in 2012. It is an essential format to present readers with a more user-friendly interface. JATS XML was developed by PubMed Central (PMC) XML, which was a deposit form of articles to PMC. Editors and other publishing-related personnel should be able to understand the concept and production process of XML files. When JATS XML is produced, a variety of web presentation views can be generated, such as PubReader and epub 3.0. Further, JATS XML can be easily converted to digital object identifier CrossRef XML, CrossMark XML, and FundRef XML. Small scholarly society journal editors and publishers can promote the visibility of their journals by depositing JATS XML files to PMC or ScienceCentral. Owing to these benefits of JATS XML, publishers and editors should now adopt JATS XML for journal publishing.


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The basics of CrossRef extensible markup language
Rachael Lammey
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):76-83.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 19,687 View
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  • 2 Crossref
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CrossRef is an association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. Launched in 2000, CrossRef’s citation-linking network today covers over 68 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, and technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and professional publishers around the globe. CrossRef has over 4,000 member publishers who join as members in order to avail of a number of CrossRef services, reference linking via the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) being the core service. To deposit CrossRef DOIs, publishers and editors need to become familiar with the basics of extensible markup language (XML). This article will give an introduction to CrossRef XML and what publishers need to do in order to start to deposit DOIs with CrossRef and thus ensure their publications are discoverable and can be linked to consistently in an online environment.


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