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Yoon Suk Koh 1 Article
Editing and publishing activities of the Korean Physical Society during the first fifty years since its inauguration in 1952
Yoon Suk Koh
Sci Ed. 2016;3(2):67-79.   Published online August 20, 2016
Correction in: Sci Ed 2017;4(1):53
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This is a historical review concerning the development of the editing and publishing activities of the Korean Physical Society, unique in its kind in South Korea, during its first fifty years since inauguration. It was founded in 1952, in the midst of the Korean War, and issued its first publication only in 1961. Despite such a late start, the society made great efforts to boost its activities thereafter, developing five different periodicals, including two Science Citation Index-listed journals, established by 2002. It can be seen as a remarkable success story of the Korean physics community, having overcome many hardships, which included the meager human and material resources that it started with and also the social unrest and destruction owing to the Korean War and its aftermath. The development and progress of the Korean Physical Society during this period, with a main focus on its editing and publishing practices, are briefly described.

Science Editing : Science Editing